These Hypnotizing Chinese Street Style Videos are Taking Over Tik Tok

Trending videos from Douyin, the Chinese version of Tik Tok, have made an official crossover into the international app — and people can’t get enough.

Anna Hyclak
3 min readJul 15, 2020

If you’re on Tik Tok, you’ve probably seen the videos by now — an endless loop of incredibly-dressed Chinese influencers walking down the streets of the fashion districts of Beijing and Chengdu. When each person turns to look toward the camera, the video goes into slow motion, making their already icy-cool stare-downs seem even more badass.

Everything about these videos is enthralling — the fashion, the attitudes, the high-quality production, the K-Pop and Chinese hip-hop soundtracks… and of course, the novelty of seeing people in head-to-toe, capital-letter LOOKS at a time when many of us are spending our days at home in pajamas.

The most popular videos, shared by users @eromei and @elly.xia, are compilation cuts of videos found on Douyin, China’s version of Tik Tok. Douyin is the fastest-growing social media app in China, with 400 million daily users, according to TechCrunch. It’s similar in many ways to its international version, but until now, the content, trends, and popular creators on each app have been very different. The…



Anna Hyclak

I’m a product manager based in London, with a passion for technology, creativity, business, and understanding our changing world.